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Preparing Staff for an Office Removal

An office removal can be quite complex and if the staff will be involved in the removal there are some steps that should be taken to prepare them for the big move. Among the obvious is making sure they are well aware of the move far in advance so they can be prepared to start in a new location but there is more than just that if they will help unpack which is very common in small offices. Employees will appreciate the coordination and management will appreciate the effectiveness that preparation delivers.
One thing to make the staff aware of if possible is the layout of the new office and where they will be in the new office, this of course, takes planning far in advance. A simple walkthrough of the new location will most likely suffice for this purpose. Take a day to have a field trip so to say, if you can of course, this way the office employees will know the new layout and where they will be located after the move.

If possible make a draft of the new office layout that details where the office equipment will be located within the new office and pass out copies to the staff so that they will be able to work effectively after the move. This will help to keep production up without any hang ups or confusion once they are in the new office.

If there are employees that need keys to the new office then make sure the keys are distributed in advance of the move, so that those who need access to the office will have it when they need it.

Another thing to make employees aware of is the address of the new office, if needed you may need to hand out a Google map to the new location from the old office. If every employee is aware of the new location then any confusion of how to get to the office can be avoided. It may be a good idea to ask your employees to drive to the new office location a couple of times when they can so they are familiar with their new route.

If the employees will be packing up their own desk supplies or areas make them aware of this in advance and make sure they have access to packing supplies when the time comes.

It may be a good idea to spread out tasks between employees who will be involved ahead of time and to make sure everyone who will be involved is on the same page with the move.

If these simple steps are taking it will make for a much smoother transition into the new location without sacrificing work productivity or disturbing the flow of business that the office has. Also, if the office receives walk up clients you may want to let the employees know to make their clients aware of the move and to let the clients know the new address of the office.